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Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were in a car wreck and the other driver did not have insurance?  We understand it is hard to fathom, especially since Missouri law requires you to at least carry the state minimum liability limits.  Unfortunately, it is a reality we must consider because 14% of drivers on the road in Missouri are not even carrying state minimum auto insurance (national average is 13%.)

However, if you find yourself in the unfortunate event of being hit by an uninsured driver or involved in a hit & run, your own auto policy has built in coverage for bodily injury that may occur.  The coverage is called “Uninsured Motorist Coverage” and is required to be on all auto policies.  Uninsured motorist is designed to cover any medical bills you or your family may incur if you are injured in a hit & run or by an uninsured driver.    

Uninsured motorist coverage can often be glanced over, and state minimum limits ($25,000/$50,000) are often applied.  If you remember our video last week, we recommended starting with auto liability limits at $100,000/$300,000 for bodily injury.  Our philosophy is, if you are going to carry higher limits to cover everyone else, why would you not at least carry the same limits for you and your family?

Have questions about your coverage? Looking for the right auto insurance policy? Please contact us or fill out the form below. We are here to help.

Let’s discuss your auto insurance.

One of our insurance advisors will reach out to you to review your information and present you with the appropriate auto insurance solution. There’s no obligation, just good-old-fashioned advice.

Author Creig Scott

Creig joined the SBI team in May, 2015. Creig is presently licensed in property, casualty and life insurance. Read More About Creig

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